
On the Registry ia_nam
Reporting Org on Registry US-EIN-13-3287064NAM
Reporting Org(s) in Data US-EIN-13-3287064NAM
Activity Files 105
Organisation Files 0
Total File Size 41.9 MB
Activities 12373
Unique Activities 12373
Organisations 0
Versions 2.02
Hierarchies null
Licenses cc-by
Files failing validation 0

12,373 Activities


105 Activity Files


0 Organisation Files


Files per version


41.9 MB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

No issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
ia_nam-o108 16 0 100.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o11 24 0 116.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o110 889 0 2.5 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o115 49 0 151.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o117 56 0 220.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o121 82 0 208.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o122 7 0 36.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o125 11 0 39.4 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o126 1 0 14.4 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o127 5 0 16.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o128 18 0 49.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o129 32 0 123.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o13 12 0 48.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o132 18 0 32.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o134 13 0 55.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o135 193 0 531.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o136 60 0 210.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o137 13 0 111.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o146 32 0 93.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o15 7 0 26.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o151 10 0 30.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o154 6 0 50.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o155 50 0 254.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o157 12 0 40.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o158 20 0 71.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o16 11 0 51.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o160 33 0 102.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o161 35 0 132.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o162 14 0 86.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o164 38 0 111.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o166 7 0 32.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o167 10 0 53.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o168 34 0 147.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o169 9 0 38.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o17 210 0 587.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o177 25 0 86.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o18 48 0 139.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o185 17 0 50.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o19 356 0 1.1 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o197 1 0 2.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o2 257 0 1.1 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o20 204 0 1.0 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o204 1 0 6.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o21 54 0 189.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o222 5 0 20.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o223 12 0 31.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o225 8 0 28.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o229 9 0 29.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o23 110 0 367.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o24 164 0 672.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o27 222 0 1.4 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o28 42 0 150.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o29 208 0 811.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o31 30 0 128.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o33 64 0 274.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o34 534 0 2.1 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o35 32 0 158.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o37 28 0 204.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o379 6 0 20.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o38 1 0 3.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o39 527 0 1.5 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o3997 13 0 38.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o4 713 0 2.3 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o40 94 0 360.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o401 48 0 129.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o42 13 0 43.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o43 796 0 2.0 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o44 147 0 483.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o45 376 0 1.4 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o5 29 0 113.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o50 296 0 1.3 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o52 6 0 15.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o5471 2 0 11.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o56 3 0 9.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o57 96 0 282.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o58 11 0 61.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o5884 2 0 8.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o59 1622 0 3.8 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o60 56 0 216.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o61 175 0 682.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o6169 13 0 59.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o6170 1 0 10.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o64 7 0 30.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o65 329 0 1.1 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o66 1 0 5.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o67 204 0 561.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o69 10 0 32.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o71 228 0 825.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o72 1 0 4.6 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o73 82 0 276.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o79 47 0 171.7 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o8 1067 0 3.0 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o81 17 0 58.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o82 15 0 63.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o83 328 0 2.1 MB 2.02
ia_nam-o84 6 0 30.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o86 55 0 253.3 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o87 126 0 501.5 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o9 168 0 796.8 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o90 14 0 91.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o93 99 0 335.9 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o94 13 0 54.2 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o95 25 0 129.0 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o97 6 0 26.1 kB 2.02
ia_nam-o98 11 0 57.0 kB 2.02

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 12373 105
iati-activity/@humanitarian 12373 105
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 12373 105
iati-activity/@linked-data-uri 12373 105
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-date 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-date/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-scope 241 34
iati-activity/activity-scope/@code 241 34
iati-activity/activity-status 12373 105
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 12373 105
iati-activity/contact-info 12373 105
iati-activity/contact-info/@type 12373 105
iati-activity/contact-info/email 7802 98
iati-activity/contact-info/job-title 7221 95
iati-activity/contact-info/job-title/narrative 7221 95
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation 12373 105
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/contact-info/person-name 7604 96
iati-activity/contact-info/person-name/narrative 7604 96
iati-activity/contact-info/website 12373 105
iati-activity/description 12373 105
iati-activity/description/@type 12373 105
iati-activity/description/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/document-link 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/@format 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/@url 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/category 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/category/@code 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/title 4353 87
iati-activity/document-link/title/narrative 4353 87
iati-activity/iati-identifier 12373 105
iati-activity/location 7408 99
iati-activity/location/@ref 7408 99
iati-activity/location/administrative 7408 99
iati-activity/location/administrative/@code 7408 99
iati-activity/location/administrative/@level 7408 99
iati-activity/location/administrative/@vocabulary 7408 99
iati-activity/location/description 7408 99
iati-activity/location/description/narrative 7408 99
iati-activity/location/exactness 7408 99
iati-activity/location/exactness/@code 7408 99
iati-activity/location/feature-designation 7408 99
iati-activity/location/feature-designation/@code 7408 99
iati-activity/location/location-class 7408 99
iati-activity/location/location-class/@code 7408 99
iati-activity/location/location-id 7408 99
iati-activity/location/location-id/@code 7408 99
iati-activity/location/location-id/@vocabulary 7408 99
iati-activity/location/name 7408 99
iati-activity/location/name/narrative 7408 99
iati-activity/location/point 7408 99
iati-activity/location/point/@srsName 7408 99
iati-activity/location/point/pos 7408 99
iati-activity/other-identifier 12373 105
iati-activity/other-identifier/@ref 12373 105
iati-activity/other-identifier/@type 12373 105
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org 12373 105
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/@ref 12373 105
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/participating-org 12373 105
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 12273 103
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 12373 105
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 12362 104
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/recipient-country 12372 105
iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 12297 105
iati-activity/recipient-country/@percentage 12372 105
iati-activity/reporting-org 12373 105
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 12373 105
iati-activity/reporting-org/@secondary-reporter 12373 105
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 12373 105
iati-activity/reporting-org/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/result 4388 86
iati-activity/result/@aggregation-status 4388 86
iati-activity/result/@type 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/@measure 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/actual 445 24
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/actual/@value 445 24
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/period-end 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/period-end/@iso-date 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/period-start 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/period-start/@iso-date 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/target 4304 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/period/target/@value 4304 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/title 4388 86
iati-activity/result/indicator/title/narrative 4388 86
iati-activity/result/title 4388 86
iati-activity/result/title/narrative 4388 86
iati-activity/sector 12373 105
iati-activity/sector/@code 12373 105
iati-activity/sector/@percentage 12373 105
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary 12373 105
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary-uri 12373 105
iati-activity/sector/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/title 12373 105
iati-activity/title/narrative 12373 105
iati-activity/transaction 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/description 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/description/narrative 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org 4313 68
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@ref 160 31
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/narrative 4313 68
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@ref 7136 78
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/narrative 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-date/@iso-date 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/transaction-type/@code 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/value 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/value/@currency 7146 79
iati-activity/transaction/value/@value-date 7146 79

Organisation Identifiers

Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J)
Extending 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J)
Funding 7,930 361 361 0 7,930 361 361 361 4.55 (J)
Implementing 22,593 12,982 12,982 0 22,593 12,982 12,982 12,982 57.46 (J)
Provider 4,313 160 160 0 4,313 160 160 160 3.71 (J)
Receiver 7,146 7,136 7,136 0 7,146 7,136 7,136 7,136 99.86 (J)