On Codelist

Codes that are on the DocumentCategory codelist.

A05 Budget 182
A02 Objectives / Purpose of activity 356
A08 Results, outcomes and outputs 410
A07 Review of project performance and evaluation 158
B01 Annual report 293
A04 Conditions 100
A12 Activity web page 223
A03 Intended ultimate beneficiaries 104
A01 Pre- and post-project impact appraisal 88
A10 Tender 39
A11 Contract 55
A06 Summary information about contract 68
B04 Aid Allocation Policy 4
B12 Thematic strategy 17
B03 Country strategy paper 17
B06 Institutional Audit Report 31
B15 General Terms and Conditions 15
B05 Procurement Policy and Procedure 7
B16 Organisation web page 44
B18 Sector web page 15
B08 Exclusions Policy 16
B09 Institutional Evaluation Report 22
B02 Institutional Strategy paper 35
A09 Memorandum of understanding (If agreed by all parties) 41
B07 Country Audit Report 7
B10 Country Evaluation Report 16
B17 Country/Region web page 6
B13 Country-level Memorandum of Understanding 3
B14 Evaluations policy 7
B11 Sector strategy 5

Not On Codelist

Codes that are not on the DocumentCategory codelist.

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