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Org Type Total Self Refs Excluding Self Refs
Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Org Elements Refs Non-Empty Refs Valid Refs Percentage of Org Elements with Valid Refs
Accountable 820,250 747,707 728,828 165,672 654,578 582,035 563,156 200,430 30.62
Extending 874,844 831,984 828,970 228,456 646,388 603,528 600,514 43,452 6.72
Funding 1,350,142 1,137,877 1,093,074 805,738 544,404 332,139 287,336 138,154 25.38
Implementing 1,116,236 726,177 694,755 116,381 999,855 609,796 578,374 367,149 36.72
Provider 4,283,542 3,690,512 2,898,862 2,074,989 2,208,553 1,615,523 823,873 463,996 21.01
Receiver 2,570,285 1,162,416 1,095,864 726,783 1,843,502 435,633 369,081 318,630 17.28